

At Walls Memorial we strive to honor the Lord with our “first fruits” (Proverbs 3:9) as we give “cheerfully, generously, and regularly” (2 Cor. 9:6-7). We express this by the giving of our tithes and offerings during the “Worship Through Giving” portion of our service, by mailing our contribution to the office, or by donating online. We encourage you to give as God leads.



Show your support

The definition of benevolence is a kind act or gift or the doing of kind things for others. Our benevolent offerings help us meet community initiatives and member needs.

Tithes & Offering

Tithes & Offering

Make a true change

Malachi 3:10 opens by saying bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse. At Walls Memorial we believe in the Biblical principle of being faithful tithers and givers of offering to advance kingdom work. Give as God has commanded and blessed you. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.


Partner with us

Help us soar

At Walls Memorial we always appreciate the generosity and giving of people like you. With every contribution going towards making Walls an even better church than it already is, your gifts can help us to advance the calling of Christ. If you wish to contribute to the ministries, please partner with us.

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